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David Burland and Michel François

David Burland

David Burland (1912-2004) born in London and one of seven children of East European descent.

A pioneer, adventurer, entrepreneur and with a life-long interest for current affairs and history. His zest and enthusiasm for Life was paramount bringing humour and a sense of purpose to all those he came in contact with.

He met Tillie, his wife whilst living overseas and after turning down a ‘colourful opportunity’ to manage a major entertainment venue in South Africa, returned with his American Wife and baby daughter, Anna, to England.

David Burland’s greatest joy since a boy was to support Leeds United and he himself became a footballer and a former boxing champion of Northern Ireland.

In 1976 he and Tillie established Anna Burland Service which today is run by his daughter Anna.

Self taught in business and literature with a voracious appetite for reading, he took a great interest later in life after meeting Michel François, to help inspire not only him but other lovers of poetry and the Arts

David Burland Portrait

David Burland

Tille Burland portrait

Tillie Burland

Michel François

Poet, writer and essayist, born in France, caught up in the 60’s with the New Age thinking and the wave of existentialism.

In addition to writing his first novel in Paris, he had screen roles In France and Italy including ‘Sweet Ecstasy’ – In an attempt to make ends meet he chauffeured Gore Vidal in Rome and Italy.

His acting career took him to Hollywood and the USA with a number of parts including ‘Scarface’.

His first poetry collection written in the USA set the way for a number of lively and well attended poetry recitals in both English and French.

He returns to Europe in 2003 and settles in England where he completes two further poetry collections. His is bilingual in both French and English and works closely with his co translator R Friedman.

He has judged The David Burland Poetry Prize since the onset and edited the first David Burland Poetry Anthology in 2014.

Further information on Michel François visit:
Michel Francois actor

Michel François

Michel Francois portrait

Michel François

00 44 (0) 121 554 4268